Gallery of Mom’s Art: Drawings and Etchings

Though my Mom, Joan Eggleston, was a prolific painter, she did work with a variety of mediums during her lifetime. Drawing is an essential element of any art, yet it was not something Mom usually did as a finished project. Drawing is also basic to any art education. I can relate somewhat, because that is about as far as my own art developed. Mom’s art education of course included drawing and most of what she did there has not survived.


We found only a couple of drawings in the house when we cleaned it out. These first two were folded and in a box with other papers. These were probably done when she was studying at Weber College.

This one is signed Joan Wheelwright
This drawing may have been done in High School


For those not familiar with the process, etchings are created by scratching a design into a metal plate which is then covered with ink and the image pressed onto paper. This process makes it possible to produce multiple copies of the same design, even using different colors of ink. Usually artists will number the prints.

I eventually found the actual etching plates for these etchings. So, we could print more.

These are the etching plates. It was hard to get a good photo because they reflect light like mirrors

Framed Etchings

These three etchings were framed. There were some unframed prints of the same ones.

Unframed Etchings

I found copies of this one printed in different colors.

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