Nathan Eggleston began to have difficulties with the church in 1825.
Aug 13 1825 Voted that Dea Nathan Thompson and Br. Ebenezer Edwards be a committee to visit Brother Nathan Eagleston learn the state of his mind and report his case at our next church meeting. .
Nathan Eggleston’s case was resolved rather quickly, or at least the church did not spend much time in labor with him. Fellowship was withdrawn by vote on September 10, 1825.
Monthly Church meeting Sept 10th 1825 Dea N. Thompson and Br. E. Edwards reported that they had visited Br. Nathan Eagleston and that they found him in a very cold (dead) state of mind and that he had no desire to travail with the church and that he refused to attend this church meeting when requested so to do and further that he believed it the duty of the Church to exclude him from the fellowship. After sundry inquries made by the Brethren Voted that we are at the end of labor with Br. Nathan Eagleston
Feb 1826 Br. Abraham Eggleston came forward and manifested that his mind had been laboring under difficulties for a long time and thought that he could not walk with the church any longer and thought it the duty of the Church to exclude him from the Church It was suggested by some of the Brethren that we appoint a committee to visit Br. Eagleston a try to help his mind. Voted that Brethren Amasa Sessions John B. Hoxey and Lemuel Smith be a committee to visit Br. Eagleston and report his case at our next monthly Church meeting.The committee appointed to visit Br. Abraham Eagleston not all being present . Br. Sesions however made a favorable statement on the subject and requested another committee to visit Br. Eagleston and report his case at our next Ch mtg.
By August 1826, the church had come to the end of laboring with Abraham and fellowship was withdrawn from him.
24 (12) Aug 1826 After considerable time spent in conversation on Br. Eggleston’s case it was Voted that we are at the end of labor with Br. Abraham Eggleston. Voted to withdraw the hand of fellowship from Abraham Eggleston
Benjamin Eggleston, son of Samuel and Rebecca Eggleston, along with his wife Elizabeth were baptized in May 1828. Unlike his brothers Samuel and Nathan, Benjamin was a faithful member and later served as a Deacon.
May 21, 1828 Came for the following persons: Benjamin Eggleston Elizabeth Eggleston
By 1832, Benjamin Eggleston was a Deacon. There were many mentions of him through these later Church books, though we did not copy all of them.
In 1837, Benjamin Eggleston was chosen Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the First Baptist Religious Society of Marcellus.
May 1837 At a meeting of the board of trustees of the first Baptist religious society of Marcellus held at the house of I. Mills Benjamin Eggleston was chosen chairman Charl. A. Calkins secretary & treasurer, Aaron Allen collector & S. C. Baker Sexton Voted that 8 cords of wood be bought at 7/per cord of Charl A. Calkins & a collection taken on the 4th Sunday in May to pay Eld. B. W. Capron $3.00 for his service the past year in cleaning the house & building fires. E. Sesions B. Eggleston & A. Kneeland be requested to keep order below & J. Smith R. Hoxie & C. Calkins in the gallery. Eld B. W. Capron be requested to keep the key build fires, & sweep the house.
In 1841 Benjamin Eggleston was chosen Trustee, along with his son-in-law Stepehn Vandenburgh. Stephen was also chosen as Clerk.
Theodore Eggleston, son of Benjamin, was Trustee years later, probably 1861 or 1867.
This concludes the transcriptions of pages that my father and I photocopied in 2001. We only copied pages that we noticed information about Eggleston family members, though we made some notes from other pages that were not copied. There likely were other mentions that we missed.
By the time of these later records, Benjamin and his family were the only Egglestons remaining in Marcellus and being associated with this church.
In my book, The Joseph Eggleston Family: Seven Generations from Joseph (d.1767) of Stonington, Connecticut to Joseph (1885-1965) of Utah and Wyoming (Including Maternal Lines: Hill, Burgess, Titus, Sammis & Johnson) church record entries for specific people are discussed there under the heading CHURCH RECORDS. Background information about this church is included in Appendix B THE BAPTIST CHURCHES.
The old church records that my father and I found at the Rose Hill/Thorn Hill Baptist Church on our visit in 2001, proved to be a wealth of information about our Eggleston family. The Articles of Faith and Covenant, along with church membership lists are in a previous post. The first excerpts of entries pertaining to Eggleston family members from the beginnings of the church in 1807 until 1811 are in Part 1. Part 2 covers the years 1812- 1816. This Post, Part 3 continues from 1816 to 1819.
1816 Continued
Electa Eggleston, daughter of Samuel Jr., was baptized into the church in 1816. Some early databases placed Electa as the youngest in the family with an estimated birth date of 1812, which would have made her very young at this time. The Baptists did not baptize small children. The birth date for Electa in family letters is May 20, 1799, which would place her baptism the day before her 17th birthday.
May 19 1816 Joseph Enos and Electa Eggleston were Baptized and received into the church
Samuel Eggleston Jr. began to have issues with the church in 1816. This may have been a precipitating factor for his move from the area in 1817. The first mention was in September of 1816, when Brothers Amasa Chapman and Salman Hunt were sent to visit him. It is interesting that at the same meeting, Samuel’s brother Nathan was sent to visit Wyllis Manley.
Samuel’s case was brought up again at the September 21st meeting, however Brothers Chapman and Hunt had not visited him. They were encouraged to do so. Nathan Eggleston and Brother Chandler had also neglected to visit Brother Manley.
Sept 3rd 1816 Voted the Br. Amasa Chapman & Salman Hunt visit Br. Samuel Eagleston and report to the Church meeting. Voted that Br. G. Chandler & N. Eagleston visit Br. Wyllis Manley & report next church meeting.Sept 21 1816 Church met for business at Br. A. Hunt, according to previous appointment. Prayer by Eld Morton. Voted Eld Morton Moderator. The case of Br. Samuel Eggleston was then called up and it appeared that Br. Chapman & S. Hunt had neglected to visit Br. Eggleston consequently Voted they should still visit him. Br. Chandler states that he and Br. N. Eggleston have not visited Brother Wyllis Manley. But as he spoke his mind at last covenant meeting it was thought best for the brethren to visit him individually.
In 1817, other members of the Eggleston family joined this church. Laura Eggleston joined along with Samuel Hovey, Polly Hovey and Jedediah Brown. The record indicates that they joined “by letter”, meaning that they had come from another church with a letter recommending them.
This Laura Eggleston was a mystery to me at the time I first saw these records. I had no idea how she fit into the family. It was some time later that I learned, through other Eggleston descendants, that the other Nathan Eggleston’s wife was Laura. This Nathan is probably the Nathaniel, mentioned as brother of Oliver in the church records. Nathan and Laura were the parents of Leonard Eggleston, who was on Marcellus Baptist Church membership lists.
Oliver Eggleston also joined the church that year. The record specifies that he had a letter from the church in Salem dated 4th March 1809. Salem is in Washington County, New York, where most of the Eggleston lived prior to coming to Marcellus. It is interesting that Oliver had this letter for several years before coming to Marcellus.
Oliver was most likely a son of Joseph Eggleston, who had migrated to Marcellus with Samuel.
1817 21 Covenant Meeting the Church appearing to be in great union. The following persons were united to the church viz. Samuel Hovey, Polly Hovey, Laura Eggleston Jedediah Brown (by letter) and Alpheus Winchester was restored to the fellowship of the Church 1817 Oliver Eggleston was received into our Fellowship by letter from the church in Salem dated 4th March 1809
The case of Samuel Eggleston was brought up again, after his being labored with. He apparently was reluctant to continue with the church, but the church postponed his matter until the next meeting.
Br. Samuel Eggleston being present was labored with faithfully but could not be prevailed upon to take up his travail with the Church. Voted to postpone his matter until next church meeting.
At the next meeting March 11, Samuel seemed to have a change of heart, so his matter was suspended.
1817 March 11 Met for business at Br. Salmon Hunt. Prayer by Br. A. Kneeland. Voted Br. A. Kneeland Moderator. Deacon Thompson reported that he had visited Br. Samuel Eggleston he say Br. Manifested a desire to travail with the church and he hoped that he should be able to make satisfaction to the brethren. Voted to suspend the matter with Br. Eggleston for the present.
April 4, 1817, Elizabeth Eggleston was given a letter of recommendation. This was close to the time that Samuel and Elizabeth sold their land in Marcellus and moved to Springwater, New York. Elizabeth apparently was a member in good standing and given the letter to join another church.
Oliver Eggleston had problems with the church in April 1817. It is interesting that Laura Eggleston, who joined at the same time he did, supported the charges against him. His brothers Nathaniel and Edward and Edward’s wife also refused to defend him. Oliver’s time in the church was short and what happened to him after that is not known.
A complaint was brought against Br. Oliver Eggleston for using profane language at Different times previous to his joining the church (he joined this church by a letter which he had for some years signed by Elder Warren) This charge was supported in evidence by Br. Wm Hunt & Sister Phebe Hunt & Laura Eggleston. Also by his Brother Nathaniel. His Brother Edward and his wife refuse to clear him. Br. Oliver has been labored with at different times and invariably denies the charge or says he has no recollection of ever swearing or taking the name of God in vain… Voted to Withdraw fellowship from Oliver Eggleston.
September 7, 1817 the church voted to withdraw fellowship from Samuel Eggleston. Samuel had sold his land in April 1817, so he may have already moved away. Possibly, he did not request a letter of recommendation at the time Elizabeth did, or he moved before the church had voted on his status. It is also possibly that they had not yet moved, or he had come back briefly.
Voted to withdraw fellowship from Samuel Eggleston Samuel Eggleston is excluded
Years after his difficulties with the church, Truman Skeels was finally excluded in 1818.
The whole transaction appears to be the fruit of a dishonest principle. Viz. to say it is right to run in debt and give a man worthless security without telling his creditor of the fallacy. After laboring with him some time nothing could be gained accept he said he had done wrong by assuming debt after that he had determination taking the benefit of the act. Voted unanimously that we are at the end of labor with him. Truman Skeels is Excluded Voted the clerk shall write Truman Skeels a letter of Exclusion
In April 1818 Elizabeth Eggleston was Dismissed. Since Samuel and Elizabeth had already moved away and Elizabeth had been given a letter or recommendation, there is some question about whether this is a different Elizabeth. I didn’t see any mention in the records of an issue with an Elizabeth Eggleston prior to this and the term dismissed would not seem to indicate that she was excluded because of problems, but just that she had moved or left in good standing.
1818 April 26 Elizabeth Eggleston Dismissed
Abraham Eggleston, apparently the son of Joseph Eggleston, was baptized in December 1818. It is interesting that the record mentions that the others baptized with him related their experiences, however it does not say that Abraham did.
1818 Dec 26 Covenant Meeting A much larger number of the church were present than common there also appeared to be more union in church than has been for some time past. Tryphene Allen related her experience and was fellowship as a Christian. . .Fanny Sessions related her experience of mind and received fellowship from the church. . . 27 Elder Alphred Bennet Preached and administered the Lords Supper Abraham Eggleston Tryphene Allen & Fanny Sessions were baptised and united to the church.
In July 1819, the church received word that Samuel Eggleston had joined another Baptist Church. The record did not mention which church, as it did with the mention of Daniel Moore and Susanna Tanner joining the church in Harmony. Susanna Tanner was the wife of Amos Tanner, son of Thomas Tanner and Phoebe Eggleston. Phoebe was a daughter of Samuel and Rebecca Eggleston. Many of the Tanner children had moved to Harmony in Chautauqua County, New York along with Nathan Eggleston and some of Benjamin Eggleston‘s children.
July 1825 New information that Br. Samuel Eagleston has united with another Church of our faith and order. Also that Brother Daniel Moore and Susanna Tanner have united with the Baptist Church in Harmony
The Marcellus Baptist Church Records continue in another blog post: Part 4 1825 and later.
In my book, The Joseph Eggleston Family: Seven Generations from Joseph (d.1767) of Stonington, Connecticut to Joseph (1885-1965) of Utah and Wyoming (Including Maternal Lines: Hill, Burgess, Titus, Sammis & Johnson) church record entries for specific people are discussed there under the heading CHURCH RECORDS. Background information about this church is included in Appendix B THE BAPTIST CHURCHES.
The old church records that my father and I found at the Rose Hill/Thorn Hill Baptist Church on our visit in 2001, proved to be a wealth of information about our Eggleston family. The Articles of Faith and Covenant, along with church membership lists are in a previous post. The first excerpts of entries pertaining to Eggleston family members from the beginnings of the church in 1807 until 1811 are in Part 1. This post, Part 2 covers the years 1812- 1816.
Jun 7 John Alport, Truman Skeels & Isaac Skeels was this day Baptized and received into our fellowship
The Skeels began to have difficulties with the Church shortly after joining. Nathan Eggleston and Luther Manley were sent to visit Simeon Skeels, Isaac’s father, and request he attend a meeting. Deacon Thompson had received a letter from another church mentioning a difficulty with Simeon Skeels and the wife of Jedidiah Hurd. Unfortunately, I did not copy the next page, so this issue is left hanging.
May 15 1813 At Covenant meeting upon a request from Brethren in Camillus. Voted to send Eld. Harman, Joshua Chandler, Amasa Kneeland & Truman Skeels to set in council on the 20th inst. Voted at church meeting on Saturday next at 1 o’clock at Deacon Thompsons. Voted Deacon Thompson, Amasa Sessions, Amasa Chapman, Nathan Eagleston & Luther Manley a committee to visit Mr. Simeon Skeels and request him to attend said meeting. May 22 Brethren of the church met for Church meeting at Deacon Thompsons according to a previous appointment. After prayer Deacon Nathan Thompson moderator. Then received a letter from the Church in Gorham stating a difficulty against Brother Simeon Skeels for harboring the wife of Jedediah Hurd. After hearing the above letter and also from the above committee who have visited Brother Skeels. Proceeded to enquire into the merits of the case. 1st Did the wife of Jedediah Hurd have liberty from him to come to Marcellus. Ans. it appeared she had $9 an order from J. D. Hurd and other circumstances. 2nd Has Brother Skeels refused to . . .
Later in the summer of 1813, probably August, Betsey Eggleston was baptized along with Sally Berry. There were a number of Betsey Egglestons. One, Samuel Jr.’s wife had been baptized in the early days of the church, her name being given as Elizabeth in that record. John B. Eggleston married Betsey Hoxie about 1810, so this could be her. Benjamin Eggleston married Elizabeth Wiltse and they were active members later.
15 Received Sisters Sally Berry & Betsey Eggleston into our Fellowship by baptism
Simeon Skeels difficulties had not just been with his previous church. Another issue was brought before the church in 1814. This was about dificulties he had with individual of the church and refusing or neglecting to attend to the difficulties. Nathan Eggleston was again one sent to work with him.
I am including this letter of exclusion for Betsy Johnson because it is probably typical of those letter than some of our family members received.
March 11 1814 Church met agreeable to appointment at Deacon Thompsons after prayer & singing. Voted Deacon Hiscock moderator. Brethren Nathan Eagleston and Wyllis Manly inform the Church that they have cited Br. Simeon Skeels to attend here today. Br. Skeels being present says he has neglected his duty as stated above—and Further says he will attend to the difficulty with those individuals in two weeks. Voted to postpone the above matter with Br. Skeels until next Church Meeting. Betsy Johnson letter of exclusion “To our once covenanted Sister Betsy Johnson you are hereby informed that in consequence of your unchristian conduct your neglect of travail with the chutch and your refusing to head the church when called upon, we have put you away from amongst us. Yet our desire and prayer to God is that you may find repentance twards God and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ and yet be. . ..
This matter between Simeon Skeel and Brother and Sister Hurd was apparently resolved in April.
April 2 1814 Church met agreeable to appointment. After singing and prayer Br. Skeels being present says he has attended to the difficulty which he has had with individuals of the Church which was proved by Brethren Nathan Eagleston and Amasa Sessions. Voted Satisfied with Br. Simeon Skeels on their labour with him. Br. Simeon Skeels then brought difficulties as follows against Br. Thadeous L. Hurd Viz. 1st Br. Thadeus L. Hurd has once settled all matters of difficulty with him and afterwords denied it or said he had a difficulty with him 2nd For not attending to the above difficulty in a Gospel manner…3rd He says Br. Hurd has reported that he (Br. Skeels) has said one thing at one time and denied it at another time. Voted to receive the above difficulties to labour after learning that Br. Skeels has taken Br. N. Eaglestone and Br. Sessions to labor with him. After considerable conversation Br. Skeels and Br. Hurd & wife said to be satisfied with each other. Voted we are satisfied with them.
Later in 1814, Simeon and Isaac Skeels apparently were becoming involved with Universalism. Nathan Eggleston was sent with Deacon Thompson to visit them.
Sept 26 1814 Brethren appointed to visit Brethren Simeon and Isaac Skeels made reutrns. Voted we are not satisfied with those brethrem. Voted Deacon Thompson & Bro. Nathan Eggleston shall be appointed to visit Brethren Simeon and Isaac Skeels to learn their sentiment concerning Universalism and cite them to our next church meeting. Nov 12 1814 Church met at Brother John Hunt to set in order things wanting in Gods house. . .After singing and prayer Bro. Harmon was chosen moderator. Deacon Thompson made returns that he with Bro. N. Eagleston had visited Br. Simeon Skeels (Br. Isaac being in the army) and cited him to attend here to day he was not present. Deacon Thompson also stated that in conversation with Br. Simeon Skeels upon the subject of Universalism he stated that he hoped there was no future punishment but did not answer definitely that he believed all men would go to heaven at death or not. Voted that we still are dissatisfied with Br. Skeels. Voted Brethren John Hunt & Ebenezer Lewis shall cite Br. Simeon Skeels to attend next church meeting and answer the Church 1st then reason of his hope why there will be no future punishment and why he has not maintained a gospel travail with the church.
In 1815, apparently after church leaders and members working with the Skeels, Isaac excluded from the church.
Oct 19 1815 Br. Isaac Skeels being present says his mind is much the same it was at the last church meeting after much conversation and labor with him.Eld. Harman then arose and give him the second admonition. We then voted to withdraw our Fellowship from Br. Isaac Skeels. Voted that the Clerk write and read a letter of exclusion next sabbath.
Though Isaac Skeels had been excluded, the church was still working with Truman Skeels in 1816. Nathan Eggleston was sent with John Hunt to visit him.
Feb 29th 1816 Voted Br. John Hunt & Bro. Nathan Eagleston to visit Brother T. Skeels, W. Manley, L. Manley & Calvin Manley and request them to help eld. Harman and make [ ]. . .
Bro. J. Hunt & Br. N. Eggleston say that they have visited the Brethren to which they were appointed and they informed them that they would visit Eld. Harman and settle with him.
The Marcellus Baptist Church Records continue in another blog post: Part 3 1816-1819.
In my book, The Joseph Eggleston Family: Seven Generations from Joseph (d.1767) of Stonington, Connecticut to Joseph (1885-1965) of Utah and Wyoming (Including Maternal Lines: Hill, Burgess, Titus, Sammis & Johnson) church record entries for specific people are discussed there under the heading CHURCH RECORDS. Background information about this church is included in Appendix B THE BAPTIST CHURCHES.
The Records of the First Baptist Church of Marcellus
The old church records that my father and I found at the Rose Hill/Thorn Hill Baptist Church on our visit in 2001, proved to be a wealth of information about our Eggleston family. The Articles of Faith and Covenant, along with church membership lists are in a previous post.
This post begins a discussion of specific entries in the record that pertain to members of our extended family. Because there are so many, I have divided them into four blog posts, in chronological order. This Part 1 covers entries from the beginning of the church in 1807 until 1811.
The Church Record book began in 1807 and Eggleston family members were some of the first to be baptized into this church. Thomas Tanner was the husband of Phebe Eggleston, daughter of Samuel and Rebecca. After Phebe’s death, he married her sister Karen. Joshua Covey was the husband of Rebecca’s sister Karen/Coran Eggleston. Charles Richards was married to Betsey, probably daughter of Joseph Eggleston, Rebecca’s brother. They were all baptized the same day, March 7 (possibly 27th) 1807.
On the same page and also baptized in March 1807 was John Eggleston. John and his wife Rachel lived near the other Egglestons in Marcellus. He is somewhat of a mystery, but likely was another son of Samuel and Rebecca.
March (7th?) 1807 Thomas Tanner & Joshua Covey & Charles Richards & Cyril Johnson Was baptized and joined this church. March (?th) 1807 David Robbins, Joseph Humphrey, John Egleston, Sally Winchester was Baptised & joined this church April 19th 1807 Samuel Eagleton Jr. and Nathan Eagleston Was baptised and joined this church. Sunday May 24th 1807 Elizabeth Eagleston & Hannah Humphrey & Betsy Johnson was Baptised and joined this Church.
In 1808, some family members began to have issues with the church. Joshua Covey was the first. In September 1807 brethren were sent to visit Brother Covey. Apparently after months of work with him, he was restored to fellowship April 22, 1808.
Saturday April 22, 1808 Joshua Covey was restored to fellowship
1809 brought difficulties for Thomas Tanner. This appears to be the beginning of a time of reform because several church members were identified as having difficulties needing to be addressed.
Saturday Jan 7th 1809 At our church meeting Made choice of Deacon Jesse Manley Moderator. Voted that Deacon Thompson, Joseph Humphrey, Jesse Manley, Joshua B. Bearss, Elder Harman, Deacon Kneeland & Amasa Kneeland to visit the following brethren to wit, Thomas Tanner, Daniel Mingus, Wm Collins and go with Brother Eldridge to look into matter between him & Adams. Saturday Feb 4th 1809 At our stated Church meeting made choice of Deacon Thompson moderator. On hearing the returns from Brother Tanner Voted to suspend labour until our next Church meeting in course. Returns were then made from brother Mingus. The church voted to have an extra church meeting to labour with brother Mingus. The church voted satisfied with brother Collins. Brother Eldredge being present spoke for himself. A majority of the brethren voted satisfied.
In spite of efforts by the brethren and being given an opportunity to “confess his wrongs,” Thomas did not comply and the church voted to exclude him from membership. This was announced through a letter read in public the next Sunday at the school house.
There are no details in the record to indicate what “wrongs” Thomas needed to confess. It is interesting that his problems were originally called to the attention of the church along with several other men, which may indicate that it was a time the church felt a need to reform members. Thomas did not return to the church.
March 11th 1809 At our Stated Church meeting Deacon Jesse Manley was chosen moderator. Brother Tho Tanner being present was called upon by the Church to confess his wrongs; but not complying the church voted to exclude him. A letter of exclusion to be read in public on Sunday 19th inst, at framed School house. Brother King being present was called upon to confess to the satisfaction of the church.
Later in 1809, Brother J. Eggleston, probably John, was cited. At the same November meeting, Charles Richards was excluded.
Nov 1809 Voted Br. Hunt cite Br. Winchester. Elder Harmon to cite Br. Bears and Sister Wentworth Br. Chandler & Br. Thompson to cite Brother Mills J. Eaglestone & Johnson. Br. John Kneeland to cite Wm. Collins and wife. Voted Br. A. Kneeland write a letter of exclusion for Taylor and read tomorrow. Also voted a letter of exclusion for Charles Richards.
John Eggleston’s difficulties were mentioned further in November 1809. Apparently the church member’s efforts with him were successful. On the 6th (probably December) he confessed to their satisfaction.
Thursday Nov 10th 1809 The Church met agreeable to appointment (Extra Meeting) After singing and prayer made choice of Elder Harmon moderator. Brethren J. Hunt, Eld. Harmon J. Chandler Dea Thompson and Dea. Kneeland made returns that they had cited the following brethren to attend this meeting agreeable to their appointment to wit. Br. E. Winchester Br. Bears Sister Wentworth, Bro Mills Br. J. Eggleston Br. Johnson Br. Collins and Sister Collins. 6th Took up labor with Br. John Eggleston for his neglect of duty in not fulfilling his covenant obligations with his brethren. On his confessing his faults Voted satisfied with him.
Thomas Marsh, who later married Samuel Eggleston Jr.’s daughter Lucy, apparently moved back and forth across Skaneateles Lake, or at least transferred membership from the Marcellus Church to the Sempronius Baptist Church. He was given a letter to take to the Sempronius Church.
May 1811 “The Baptist church of Christ in Sempronius to whom it may concern This certify that Brother Thomas Marsh is a member of good standing in this Church with us and as such we recommend him to any Church of our faith and order and when joined as such dismised from us. By order and in behalf of the Church. Ezekiel Sayles Ch Cl Sempronius May 11th 1811 A true copy attest A. Sessions
The Marcellus Baptist Church Records continue in another blog post: Part 2 1812-1816.
In my book, The Joseph Eggleston Family: Seven Generations from Joseph (d.1767) of Stonington, Connecticut to Joseph (1885-1965) of Utah and Wyoming (Including Maternal Lines: Hill, Burgess, Titus, Sammis & Johnson) church record entries for specific people are discussed there under the heading CHURCH RECORDS. Background information about this church is included in Appendix B THE BAPTIST CHURCHES.
The following are membership lists in the records of the Stillwater Baptist Church in Stillwater, New York.
Signers of the Original Covenant
Those signing the original Covenant:
Lemuel Tayler John Carpenter Ephraim Woodworth Ezekiel Sayles Benjamin Collins Beriah Keele Gabriel Strang Gideon Freeman Stephen Freeman Peter Clements William Robbins George Edmonds
Sarah Sayles Caty Strang Mary Green Kaziah Keele (dead) Rodah Titus Hannah Bryan Lois Richman Mary Freeman Elizabeth Collins Caty Cool Anne Clements Freelove Chatfield
Elder Lemuel Powers Elder David Irish (Dismn) Deacon John Andrews (Dis) Deacon Lemuel Taylor (Dis) Jonathan Lawrence (Dis-by letter) Ezekiel Sayles (Dis-by letter) Gabrial Strang (Ded) Gideon Freeman (Dism by letter) Augustus Green Thaddeus Histed (letter) Mordecai Sayles (Exc) James Cool (Exc) Peter Valentine ( ) Ebenezer Smith Matthew Vananburgh (Exc) Silvanus Sayles Bill Smith
Thomas Holmes (Exc) Andrew Sprague (dis by letter) James Green James Ackerman Eleazer Millard (D d) Philip Munger (died) Edy Millard (Exc)
Benjamin Irish Benjamin Munger (Decd) Joseph Munger (Dsimis by letter) Enoch Higgons (Dismis by letter) Naoh Mead (Dismis by letter) Seth Burgess (dismis by letter) Jotham Bassett (Dismis by letter) Thomas Higgons (Dismis by letter)
William Roberts (died) David Fisk (Exc)
Sarah Sayles (Dismis by letter) Caty Strang (dead) Mary Green Rhoda Titus (Dismis by letter)
Mary Freeman (Dis) Caty Cool (Dis) Anne Clements (died) Jerusha Thompkins (Dismis) Phebe Freeman (Dismis by letter)
Esther Histed (letter) Sarah Wright (Ex) Elisabeth Saxton (Dismis by letter) Olive Taylor [ ] Mary Smith Rebeckah Mott Mary Vananburgh Phebe Sayles Mary Newland (dead) Deliverance Sotherland Adosha Williams (Dis) Huldah Green Jane Holmes (Dismised) Hannah Dunham Burgess (Dismised) Anne Rogers
Martha Burlingame (Dismis by letter) Huldah Millard (Dismis by letter) Anna Andrus Abigail Baker (Dismis by letter) Sarah Olney (Dis) Phebe Roberts (Dis) Dorcas Fuller (Dis) Sarah Munger (Died) Hannah Munger (Dismis by letter)
Joseph Chamberlain (DecD) Daniel Guy (Dismist) Benjamin Culver Jonathan Jenkins (E) Charles Deming (ex ) Josiah St. John (Dis) Stephen Massly Daniel Rogers Robert Leonard (Exc) Daniel McBride (Dism by letter) Gilbert Warren (Dis) John Rowley (Decd) Seth Burgess Jun (Disms by letter) David Evits Rial Newland (Dis) John Waters (Dis) Stephen Sayles
Reuben Moore [ ] St. John(Dism by letter) John St. John (Died) Alexander Weed (Dism by letter) Michael Rogers (ex) Roger Wilcox (Dism by letter)
John Summerton (Dismis ) Daniel Campbell (Dism by letter) Joel Burgess (Dismis by leter) Abraham Sayles Jacob Wiltse (Dismis by letter) Proctor Denton (Dis) Briggs Sherman(Dism by letter) Jacob Miller John Thurber (Dismis by letter) William How (Dismis by letter)
Abigail Munger(Ds) Elisabeth Irish (Dism) Freelove Potter Sarah Mosher Abigail Lee (Dis) Abigail Olney (Dis) Mercy Irish (Dismis by letter) Sarah Rogers (Dis) Susannah Newell (Dis) Mary Stephens (Dis) Elisabeth Seely Elisabeth White Keziah Millard (Ex) Delight Woodworth Sarah Palmer Lucinday Marshal Lydia Head Dorcas Rathburn (Dis) Phebe Rathburn (Monger) Jerusha Histed (Dism by letter)
Rodah Carpenter ( ) Jane Lawrence (D ) Patience Jenkins (Died) Lydia Wright Mary Histed (Deceas) Eunice Rathburn (Dis by letter) Elenor Crawsby (Dis)
Martha Ostrander (Dis by letter) Mercy Waters (Dis) Persilla Waters (Dis) Elizabeth Moore Catherine Sayles Deborah Strang Jane Warren Anne Seely Sayles
Samuel Munger Abjah Smith James Seely Jun James Seely Luke St. John (died) David Woodworth Daniel How (Dism by letter) John Baker Francis West Lemuel Taylor Jun (Dismis by letter) Joseph Wilber (Dimis by letter) [ ]mitering Irish (Dism by letter) Isaac Fuller (Dism by letter) Edward Thurber (dismis by letter) Like Hill (Ex) Abnor Thurber George Richardson (letter) Van Ness Benjamin Wing (Dis)
Sarah Deming (Dismis by letter) Elisabeth Cropsey (Dis) Achsa Rogers (died) Mary Rogers (Excon) Esther Denton (Dis Ava Myres Mary Willcox (Dis) Rebeckah Summerton (Dismis by letter) Mary Cole Brown (Dis) Nancy Carpenter (Dismis by letter) Tabitha Olney Phebe Sayles (Dismis by letter) Sarah Miller (dis) Olive Crawford ( ) Ester Miller Abigail Holsted Elisabeth Irish (Dism by letter)
Anna Munger Elizabeth St. John (died)
Sarah Ayers (Dis) Rodah Steward Elisabeth Campbell Prudence Hayes Achsa How Marcy (Dis) Eunice Irish (Dismis by leter) Hannah Andrus Munger Sarah Walters (Died) Chloe Scibley Brown Abigail McBride (Dismis by letter) Rebeckah Southward Dorcas St. John (Dis) Nancy Ford Lucy Pettit (Dis)
[Chapman crossed out]
Eunice West (Ded) Sarah Taylor (Dis) Abigail Thruber (Decd) Rebecka Beets (Dism by letter) Abner Thurber (crossed out) Mary Sayles (Decd) Amy Bostwich
Ephraim Knowlton Peter Grooms William Grooms Daniel Derbeshaw James Essine Mathew Neally Joshua Miller Ephraim Dunham William Goslin (Died) Prichard Clute Timothy Wooden (dead) George Alford Joseph Peck Nathaniel Upham Arnold Waide John Baker John Bell Lent Andrew Evens Abraham Walton Thomas Hosier George Elsworth William king Philip King
Elizabeth Knowlton Anna Wooden Margara Welden Mathiah Tockrider Jane Dunham Marget Gossen Elisabeth Dunham Martha Gossen Mary Jeosten Levina Derbeshan Ane Thaber Rachel Baker
Abigail Goden Molley Alford Phebe Peek Lucy Evans Sarah Lodue Patience Briggs Phebe Daly Jane Chase Catherine Daly Hannah Hensley Mary Knowlton Jane Hosier Elisabeth Bell Patience Wooden Rebekah Sayles
Mary Wiley Anna Grooms Rebeckah Upum Elsay Elsworth
On the side of page Jerusha Flint Martha Walds Ruth Arnold
Millton Brethren and sisters over the cape
John Holmes Thomas Merick Joseph Wood Benjamin Bennet Othniel Palmer Williams Norton Robert Acherman Randel Hasel Elijah Price
Grant Price Silas Brown (Ex) Andrew Alger (deceased) Gideon Hoyel Daniel Couch Charles Dale
Joshua Mann Joel Corkens Rufus Price Salmon Child George Loveless Samuel Reid Nathaniel Corkins
Hannah Bryam Anne Wood Hannah Holmes (Dismed) Bethiah Corkens Eunice Woodworth Rookslany Ackerman Experience Hewet Sarah Starr Hannah Price Silance Palmer Mary Washburn Beilah Price Olive Bacon Eunice Reid Mary Rose Ruth Olney Olive Child
Martha Isam Abigail White
41 Milton Brethren & sisters Dismised
Hemlockbrook Brethren & Sisters (Greenfield)
Gershom Saxton (Dis) Warren Carpenter (ex) Nathaniel Saxton (dis) Samuel Conklin (Dismis by letter) Seth Corkens (Ex) Rowland Potter Ambrose Newland (Dis) John McCarty Jonathan Fish Jun (Dis) Elihu Ward Moses Leonard (Dis) John Griffin (Dis letter) Pardon Fish Josiah Wilber (Deced) Thomas Windover Jonathan Fisk Jun Joseph Dooler (Dead)
Jacob Finehout (Dis)
Hannah Fisk (Dead) Hannah Hill Mercy Irish Elisabeth Saxton (Dis) Susanna Saxton (dis Ruth Fuller Elisabeth Cady (dis) Esther Knapp Rodah Fish Deisre Windover Elisabeth Griffen (dis letter) Elisabeth Conklin (Dis by letter) 30
Ballstown Brethren and Sisters
Lazarus Hollister Clement Youngs Joneth Holister William Betteys Nehemiah Seely (Dis by letter) Daniel Thomas Thomas Proctor John Cloinwiser Benjamin Ide John Cutler Gideon Luther
Sarah Hollister Anna Youngs Mary Betteys Jane Burns Deborah Seely Susannah Miller (Ballstown cont) Rachel Cloidenwiser Abagail Seely Huldah Lasay Hannah Wakeman Mary Cutler Lydia Smith Mary Luther 24
Fishcreek Brethren and sisters:
Jonathan Dendal Seth Crosel Henry Knapp Alpheus Lewis Hezekiah Dunham Joseph Coon Timothy Carrier Jonathan Psat Jonathan Pettet Rufus Ballard Zacheus Tayler
Niles Tayler Solomon Carier Benjamin Rayler Thomas Jordan Daniel Miller George Coon David Cross Hezekiel Betts Tamsom Davis
Mary Pendal Mary Crosbie Jasmine Knapp Thankful Lewis Mary Dunham Martha Coon Mehitabel Carier Anna Sweet
Agnes Pettit Nancy McCutchen Hannah Miller Levina Webster Nanny Clements Freelove Chatfield Rebeckah Blanchard Rebeckah Perkins Alva Morgan Sarah Potter
The above Brethren and sisters were set off a church by themselves in February 1791 and Elder Samuel Rogers joined with them.
Keyondeross Creek over the lake Brethren and Sisters (Saratoga)
John Keader William Barlow Ephraim Bennet Timothy Wood Henry Person Benjamin Richman Stephen Richman Wiliston West
Samantha Keader Betty Barlow
Abigail Derbeshear Hannah Huntley Lois Richmon Elisabeth Person Hannah West Esther Cross Hannas Corins Lorania Chapman Dorcas Chapman
Names of the Brethren & Sisters at Nipmos (Half Moon)
Names of the Brethren & Sisters at Nipmos (Half Moon)
Ephraim Martin John Gifford Jeremiah Carpenter Ebenezer Gifford Timothy Fuller Jun Millard Boyce Nehemiah Wallace Aaron Case Jn. James Fuller Barnaby B. Maxwell Abner Darling Benjamin Gifford Timothy Gifford Joseph Benedict Josiah Carpenter Thurston Jonklin
Amy Fuller Elizabeth Miles Margaret Jackson Sarah Wright Sarah Allen Thankful Wilcox Elenor Boyce Jane Carpenter Jane Porter Hannah Gifford Fanny Fraser Alice Akins Diana Richardson Mercy Case Huldah Fuller Anna Lee Charlotte Sprague Hannah Darling Sarah Fuller Phebe Purdy Patience Maxwell Anne Nettleton Elisabeth Preston Bythiah Fuller Hannah Martin Ruth Gifford
The following is sending to the association? 1822
The following is sending to the association? 1822
Dismissed: Abner Thurber (by letter) James Sayles (by letter) Eld S. Rogers (Deceased) Mary Enos (by letter)
The number of Members returned in 1823 was 158 but had aught to been but 157 as North Munger was forgotten
Since sending to the Association in 1823 dismissed by letter & Deceased: Wealthy Rowley (Dec) Hannah Hill (Dec) Deborah Ferres (Dec) Margaret Johnson (by letter) Stanard (Do) Daniel Salsbury (Do) Phebe Wandle (Do) Lott Burge (Do) Hannah Burge (Do) Polly Burge (Do) Lymus Wilcox (Do)
1824 December Elizabeth White Ruth Shawbolt
Returned in 1823 157 Added in Do 2 159 Excluded 3 Deceased 3 Dis by letter 8 14
159 14 145 present number in June 1824 145
Added Polly Dunham Miller (by bap)
(Excluded) Polly Child (27 Jul)
Ruth Sayles (by letter) (Excluded) John Shepworth (Do) Abraham Rund (Do) Hannah Wilde (Do) Bron (black boy)
Excluded From Church Betsy Ford Martha Monger (in Oct 1822)
4 crossed out names
Excluded in 1824: Ruth Rowley Hasma Munger Esther Dickerson Wm. Foote Gideon S Moor
The following are such as have been dismissed in the 24 July 1818
An Undated List:
John Holmes Augustus Green Gershom Saxton Samuel Tayler Daniel Fenton Warren Carpenter Jun Thaddues Histed Mordecai Sayles James Cool Lazarus Hollister Clement Youngs Smith Holister William Betteys Thomas Merrick Peter Valentine Nehemiah Seely Daniel Thomas Thomas Procter John Cloidenwiser Ebenezer Smith Mathew Vananburgh Seth Crowell Jonathan Lawrence (Deacon) Silvanus Sayles Benjamin Ide John Caton Orias Scribner Joseph Wood Benj. Bennett Elnathan Finch Alpheus Moer Bill Smith
Jonathan Newman Thomas Holmes Andrew Griggs
Jerusha Tompson Phebe Freeman Esther Sayles Sarah Histed
Sarah Holister Anne Youngs Mary Betteys Jerusha Histed Jane Burns Deborah Seely Susannah Vanvlack Rachel Cloidenwiser Elizabeth Saxton Lydia Tayler Abigail Seely Huldah Layra Sarah Wood Hannah Wakeman Olive Tayler Mary Smith Rebeckah Mott Mary Vanamburgh Hannah Baker Phebe Tayler Mary Crowell Rachel Sumner Deborah Caton Mary Swetland Hannah Lamphere Deliverance Tinney Anna Wood Hannah Holmes Hannah Fish Hannah Hill Dosha Fish
[ ]than Bendal [ ] Green James Ackerman Daniel Ashley
Huldah Green Mabel Moor Bethiah Calkin Jane Holmes Mary Bendal Jemima Knapp Hannah Dunham Anna Grinnold Esther Weeks Olive Ashley Martha Burlinggame
A list of the members of this church that we considered in standing and returns to the association made accordingly this 24th June 1818
A list of the members of this church that we considered in standing and returns to the association made accordingly this 24th June 1818
Augustus Green (crossed out) Ebenezer Smith Sylvanus Sayles James Green James Sherman Benjamin Colver Daniel Rogers Stephen Sayles Samuel Mungers Abjah Smith James Sealy (Dec feb 10) David Woodworth Abner Thurber Van Ness Rowland Potter Elihu Ward Pardon Fish Thomas Wendover Daniel Campbell George Loveless Stephen Richman John Thurber Isaac Fuller Elijah Dickerson Daniel Monger
M. Smith Huldy Green Anna Rogers Ester (Crossed out Dismissed) Anna Andrews Freelove Potter Sarah Mosier Elizabeth Sealy Elizabeth White Delight Woodworth Sarah Palmer Lydia Head Deborah Strang Jane Warren Miers Amy Sayles Tabatha Olney Abigail Holsted Elizabeth Campbell Hannah Monger Cloe Brown Rebecah Southword Mary Rose Nancy Ford Amy Bostwich (Deceased 1818) Hannah Hill Mary Irish
List of Names Continued:
List of names continued Males:
Samuel Tompkins (Ex Jun 25 1821) Benjamin West Pardon Ealms (dismised) Cornelus Rowley Samuel Lawrence (Dis by letter Nov 1817) Jeremiah Bishop Timothy Monger Elijah Sayles
Stephen Mix Rial Newland (Deceasd) Josiah Woodworth Elder Saml Rogers Conrad Lermahorn Real Woodworth Anson Palmer Samuel Monson (Excluded) John Lawrence (Dis by letter)
List of names continued Females:
Ruth Fuller Esther Knapp Rodia Irish Desire Wendover Eunice Rathburn Anna Dickerson Sintha Downing Lucy Pooler Susannah Thompkins Betsy West Loise Monger Anna Rowley
Usley Ealms (Disniss) Elizabeth Ford Elizabeth Comstock Ruth Steward Mary Jones Mary Moore Elizabeth Ketcham Margaret Johnson Abigail Lawrence Deborah Olney Anna Patrick Luritia Chandler Jerusha Hunt Betsy Monger
The forgoing are the number given to the association an the 24th June 1818
Added since 24th June 1818 James Miller (by letter) John Ford (by baptism) Edward Ford (by baptism) David Rowley (by baptism) Benjamin Leggett (by letter) Jacob Legit (restored dismisd) Lott Burge (by baptism) Edward Ford (crossed out) Sidney Hurst (by baptism) Cyrus Wilcox (by baptism) Abraham a Couland (by Do) Henry A. Ferris (by bap) Ephraim Newland (by bap) Gideon Moore (by bap) William Foot (by bap)
Polly Lullard Esther Ford Sally Rogers Phebe Smith Mary Van Amber Lydia Pooler Olive Woodworth (Dismised) Loice Whitney Esther Smith Polly Hosford Hannah Burge
The foregoing are the number given to the association in the year 1818 June 24th females 67
Added since 24th June 1818 Abigal Shadbolt (P 169 by bap) Sally Lee Histed (Dismiss) Polly Newland (Do) Rachel Miller (by letter) Sophia Ealms (by Baptism) Betsey Finch (by letter) Polly Robbins (Do) Martha Monger (by letter June 1819) Julian Able (by Baptism) Lavina Ford Phebe Sayles (by letter) Lydia Leggett Sarah Hewet (by Baptism) Betsey Ford
List of such as have been added Continued
List of such as have been added Continued Males Samuel Hewet (by baptism) Joshua Finch (by baptism) Jonathan Smith (by baptism) William Van Schauch (by baptism) David Newland (by baptism) John Linsey (by baptism) James Sayles (by baptism) Elisha B. Sparks (by letter) Samuel Moore (by baptism) Sampson – a black boy (by baptism) Abraham Rundle (by baptism) Ezra Hill (by baptism) James Riley (by baptism) Charles Patrick (by baptism) Simon Rowley (by baptism) Samuel Denton (by baptism) Thom Church (by baptism Daniel Salisbury (by letter)
Females Deborah Ferris Phebe Hartwell Betsy Van Schauch Elizabeth White Elizabeth Sayles Eliza Rowley Ruth Rogers Anna Clemons Eliza Foot Esther Dickerson Charity Monger Sally Dickerson Minerva Pooler Patience Wilcox Prudence Daines Hannah Owins Sarah Rogers Polly Burge Sally Bull Almira Newland Hariet Newland Hannah Wi8lde Lette Rundle Betsy Woodworth Jane Sheffinorth Betsey Ford Emile Foot Dorcas Wilcox Polly Place Barbary Wilcox
Jonathan Finch Daniel Munger Saml Tompkins David Woodworth Daniel Rogers P[ ] E[ ] (crossed out) Saml Moore A[ ] (crossed out) David Newland Isaac Patrick (letter) James Miller Ephraim Newland David Rowley Henry Ferres Gideon Moore (crossed out) Wm E[ ] (crossed out) Saml Hewet Joshua Finch Samsom black boy (crosse out) Ezra Hill James Riley (crossed out) Charles Patrick Peter E[ ] (crossed out) Daniel Salisbury (crossed out) Elijah P. Olmsted (letter)
Member though of since the list went out of my hands (viz) Charity Pravis Sine Dunham (by letter) Polly Dunham
Rebecca [ ] (crossed out) Anna Rogers Elizabeth White (crossed out) Delight Woodworth (deceased) Deborah Strang Esther Denton Nancy Ford D[ ] (crossed out) Anna Dickerson Baker Sarah Monger Haton (cross out) [ ](crossed out) Anna Rowley (crossed out) Lucy Pooler Susanah Tompkins Cintha Hewet – Doway [ ] (crossed out) Elizabeth Ford Elizabeth Comstock (cross out) Mary Moor Sally Pettis Margaret Johnson [ ] (cross out) Abigail Lawrence Susanah Tompkins Debrorah Olney Jerusha Hunt Luritia Chandler Betsey Munger Esther Ford Sally Rogers Sally [ ] (Crossed out) Esther Smith Polly [ ] (crossed out) Adey Munger (crossed out) Judith Wilcox Polly Sayles Christion Wright (letter) Nancy Scott B.[ ] Clarisa Adams Polly Newland R[ ] (crossed out) Saphura Ealms Polly Robins Betsy Finch Julyan Able Polly Chase Betsy E[ ] (crossed out) Eliza Rowley
Anna Clinton Eliza Foor – Laurence Esther Dickerson (crossed out) Charity Munger (crossed out) Sally Dickerson -Wing Minerva Pooler Robins Patience Wilcox Lagget (Deceased Sep 5) Prudence Adams Sally Bull Newland Almira Newland Bull Harriet Newland Lecta Rundle Betsy Woodworth Mort J[ ] Sheff[ ] (crossed out) Betsy Ford Stratten Emily Foot Colins Dorcas Wilcox Polly P[ ] Munger (crossed out) B[ ] Wilcox Dunke (cross out) Phebe M[ ] (crossed out) Susanah Foot (crossed out) May Denton Anna Patrick (letter) Elizabeth Finch Abigail Rogers Lidia Olmsted Marah Miller (crossed out) Rachel Miller (letter) Betsy Ford D. B. Sally Steder Ford Rebeckah Hill Abigal Ealms Lidia Pooler McK[ ] Charity Munger Leavit
A List of Names being. . . Stillwater Now in Standin at this Date June 15, 1816
A List of Names being. . . Stillwater Now in Standin at this Date June 15, 1816
(This appears to be very similar to one dated 1818, which was in the record prior to this. That list had different notations and names crossed out. This one has some additional names)
Augustus Green Ebenezer Smith Sylvanus Sayles James Green James Aeraman Benj’n Colver Daniel Rogers David Crofts (EX P157) Stephen Sayles Jacob Miller (letter Dismiss) Saml Mongar Abjah Smith James Sealy David Woodworth Abner Thurber Van Ness (Dis) Ephraim Dunham (Ex 160) Rowland Potter John M Carter (exed out) Elihu Ward Pardon Fish Thomas Wendover Jonathan Fish (Dismsd) Reuben Moore (Ex 168) Daniel Campbell George Loveless Stephen Richman John Thurber Isaac Fuller Elijah Dickerson Daniel Monger Saml Tompkins Benjm West
Mary Smith Hulda Green Anna Rogers Ester Weeks (Dis) Anna Andrews Freelove Potter Sarah Mosier Elizabeth Seely Elizabeth White Delight Woodworth Sarah Palmer Lydia Head Elizabeth Moore (Dismissed) Catherine Sayles (Dismissed) Deborah Strang Jane Warren Alaia Miers Ame Sayles Tabatha Olney Abigail Holsted Roda Steward (Dis) Elizabeth Campbell Hannah Monger Chloe Brown Rebekah Southword Mary Rose Nancy Ford Ana Bostwich Hannah Hill Mary Fisk Ruth Fuller Esther Nap Rodia Fish Deisre Wanover
Cornelius Rowley [ ]m Lawrence Jeremiah Bishop Isaac Patrick Jesie Day (Excluded) Timothy Mongar Elijah Sayles Stephen Mix Royal Newland Josiah Woodworth Edler Saml Rogers Jesse Andrews (Dismissed) Conrow Scheremahorn Saml Savory (Dismissed Rial Woodworth (June 15 1816) Anson Palmer (P158) Samuel Morison (162) John Lawrence (165)
Ennas West (Deceased) Anna Dickinson Sintha Downing Lylia Polar Susanah Tompkins Daniel Mongar (xed out) Sarah Newton (Dismissed) Betsey West Jane Barber (P120 Ex) Lois Mongars (Dis) Anna Rowley Usley Elms Elizabeth Forad Elizabeth Comstock Ruth Steward Mary Jones Mary More Ellizabeth Ketcham Margarate Johnson Abigail Lawrence Deborah Olney Rial Wood worth (crossed out) Martha Risden (Dismissed) Josiah Woodworth (crossed out) Timothy Mongar (crossed out) Isaac Patrick (crossed out) Anna Patrick Luritia Chandler Jerutia Hunt Betsey Mongar Polly Child Esther Sayles (PP157) Nayoma Mongar Levina Sayles (letter) Abigal Elms Abigal Rogers
Polly Sallars Esther Fear Sally Rogers Phebe Smith Elizabeth Andrews (Dis) Mary Van Namburgh Azuba Woodworth (Dismis) Sally Savery (Dismised) Lydia Polar Olive Woodworth Lowis Whitney Esther Smith Polly Horsford Hannah Burgh Mary Mongars (Dism June 15 1816) Judath Wilcox (P157) Mercy Aspinwall (158 Dis) Polly Sayles (158) Sady Pette (159) Christian Wright (160) Nancy Seath – a black woman (161)
Somewhere along my genealogy journey, I acquired a microfilm of the records of the Stillwater, New York Baptist Church from the American Baptist Historical Society. I went through the microfilm and transcribed parts of the records. The following are excerpts from the records:
Organization of the Stillwater Baptist Church
The Stillwater Baptist Church was organized in 1781.
In the Course of Providence we was [in] this wilderness land destitute of a Preacher for the most part in livily unacquaintance with true religion or Gods love in the sou. And as God was Pleased in his Providence to direct the steps of his servant Beriah Keele into the part of the land to preach the Gospel of peace amongst us. And out of self moving motives God was pleased to bless his labours and as an instrument in his hand made him useful of opening the Eyes and understanding of some ( ) to hear a preached gospel. And by the pouring out of his spirit caused a number to become acquainted as we humbly hope and believe to the saving knowledge of the love of god in their souls. Then M. Keele thought it his duty for some or other to move away and leave us which he did for space of about fifteen months. Then it pleased God to move in his mind to visit again in Company with Elder Joseph Cornel of Man[chester] in August 1781 the Inhabitants of this place being disposed to M. Keele Did give him a call to come again and settle with us as a publick imporver of the [ ]
Then M. Keele attending on a meeting with us on Day the 19th of August 1781 Elder Cornel being present in mercy was pleased to summons up and bring [ ] following persons to own him and his cause and[ ]The world by following him in his Examples being [ ] ordinances of the gospel and being in fellowship with (each) other and with Elder Cornel went forward with and come under his and the care and watch of the [church] at Manchester.
Persons Names first went forward
Lemuel Taylor, Ephraim Woodworth, Exekiel Sayles, John [ ]
Conference met according to the former appointment. Elder attended with us opened meeting by Prayer 1ly Elder Enquiring for our fellowship found the same union as at first then come forwards the following persons told what god done for their souls being fellowshipt went forwards in the ordinances and joined with us. Persons names went forwards
Gabriel Strang
Sarah Sayles
Caty Strang
Mary Green
Kaziah Keele
On Nov 20, 1781 In the course of Providence Elder Cornell was directed over to visit us in Nov. following at a conference with us on Wednesday 28th Instant at the house of Ezekiel Sayales opened meeting by prayer. Elder Enquired how we [ ] in our minds and found the union to them then come forwards the following persons told the travail their minds being fellowshipt went forward in the ordinances of the gospel and joined with us
Persons Names went forwards Rodah Titus
Hannah Bryan
Lois Richman
At a meeting the next day but one being 4-2 day of March [1782] at the house of James Fremans, Come forward the following persons gave declaration of there experience being fellowshipt went forwards and joined with us.—-Persons Names went forwards
Gideon Freeman
Stephen Freeman
Phebe Freeman
Mary Freeman
A Conference Meeting met at the Meethinghouse on Thursday 16 Day of May opened meeting by Prayer Enquired for the fellowship found it to remain good as at first to our Joy and Rejoicing—Then Procceded to enquire of the and sisters how their minds was concerning being set apart as a Church to which all that it was their mind and desire and thought it duty to be set apart as a Church. Then Proceeded to send to the Church at Manchester Desiring to have faithful Brethren for God and his Cause come over as a church. . .
Conference met according to appointment opened meeting by Prayer then come forwards the following persons declared what the Lord had Done for there souls being fellowshipt went forwards and joined with us. Persons Names went forwards
Peter Clements
William Robbins
George Edmonds
Elizabeth Collins
Caty Cool
Anne Clements
Freelove Chatfield
Now agreeable to the former appointment of the Baptist Church of Christ at Manchester being arrived at this place the Bro and sisters having appointed this Day as a Day of fasting & prayer to almightly God for his Presence and Directions in seting apart a Church of christ in this place.
The aforessaid Brethren and Sisters Proceeded by prayer and [sing]ing and by subscruibing to the following Articles and Covenant there were then by Elder Joseph Cornel by and with the advice and assistance of a number of Brethren then present disf as a Gospel Church of Jesus Christ.
To whom the said Elder gave a Solemn Charge to be faithful in loving one another and to watch of each other in the of God for good.
In Presence of
Elder Joseph Cornel
Benjamin Vaughan
Jacob Odle
Nathaniel Boon
(Note: Organization of the West Church about June 3rd 1782 meetings were already standing)
Church Articles of Faith
1st We believe the lord our God is but only one living true god whose substance is in and of himself infinite of being and perfection whose essence cannot be comprehended by any but by himself a most pure spirit invisible and we are to take heed to our selves that we draw no manner of (tom-tude) of the almighty who only hath immortality dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto who is immutable, Immense, Eternal Incomprehensible the almighty according to
2nd We believe in one Mediator between god and man the man Christ Jesus who tasted Death for every man and that all that believe in him shall be saved according to Jon 10.9, Heb [ ], firs epistle Jn 2 & 2
3rd We believe in the fall of man and of sin and the punishment then of according to gm 2:17, Ch 3:22 Mat 25.46, Luke 16.2
4th We believe in gods Covenant wherein he freely offereth unto sinners life and salvation by Jesus Christ according to Mat Mark [ ]
5th We believe in the Doctrine of Election of grace in Christ and in the perseverance of saints to the end acct to Rom 9:11, Jn 6.39:40
6th We believe in unfeigned Repentance from Dead works and faith towards god wrought by the Diving Spirit acct to
7th We believe such Persons ought to be Baptized confession acct to
8th We believe that such persons should be pray[ful] [ ] laying on of hands accord to Gens 40:14 Acts 2:17 ch 19 2 Tim 4 1:6
9th We believe such persons being in union ought to meet together to partake of the bread and wine in Remembrance of christs broken body and that they Examine themselves and eat of that bread and Drink of the Cup acct to
10th We believe in the Resurrection of the Dead both of the just and the unjust acct to
11th We believe that we shall all appear before the judgement seat of our lord Jesus Christ to give an account for the (deeds) done in the body and that the Righteous shall then enter into life Eternal and that the wicked shall go into E[—ing] punishment acct to
12th We believe that the old and New Testaments is the only [ ] given to the Church of God by the spirit for there faith and practice acct to
13th We believe that Every Person before they are Received into [the] church ought to Declare unto the church what God had [done] for their soul and when the church is satisfied that they [be] received. But notwithstanding if any one brother or [sister] is dissatisfied the Church shall not Receive the person until they Examin unto the matter and cause of the objection acct to
14th We believe that brother ought not to go to law with [ ] but that secular controversies as well as all doctrine [ ] Delivered in Publick or private ought to be settled by the Church acct to
15th We believe that it is the duty of Christians acco[ ] several abilities to communicate of their substance both for the support of the Gospel and the necessary use of the Church and the Relief of the Poor acct to
16th We believe that it is the Duty of Christians to observe the Sabbath Day and to avoid all Servile labour on said day and to assemble together to worship god according to the directions of the holy scriptures also to maintain and practice Prayer in their families acct to
The Covenant
We whose names are hereunto subscribed doth fully freely and absolutely agree to the above said articles and we do by these Presents covenant to give ourselves up to god and to each other in the [faith] of the lord to watch over each other for good as witness our hands
Lemuel Tayler Sarah Sayles
John Carpenter Caty Strang
Ephraim Woodworth Mary Green
Ezekiel Sayles Kaziah Keele (dead)
Benjamin Collins Rodah Titus
Beriah Keele Hannah Bryan
Gabriel Strang Lois Richman
Gideon Freeman Mary Freeman
Stephen Freeman Elizabeth Collins
Peter Clements Caty Cool
William Robbins Anne Clements
George Edmonds Freelove Chatfield
The Church being set apart as a Politic body to as God and them selves Made choice of brother Ezekiel Sayles for Clerk of the Church.
Background on the Formation of this Church
It appears that this church, like others, started with a group of people joining together to worship and being led by lay leadership. Eventually, through the help of ministers of other Baptist Churches in the area, a formal church was then organized. At the time of organization, Articles of Faith were written which outlined the beliefs of the church. Though there were many similarities and the same general beliefs stated in the Articles of Faith of the various churches, each could express unique emphasis on particular doctrine or practices. Following the Articles of Faith was a stated “Covenant” which was then signed by the members of the church. This was an agreement by all signing that they accepted and would abide by these Articles of Faith and Practice. Those joining the church later by baptism, would then covenant to accept and abide by these Articles as well.
Beriah Kelle was the first lay leader of this Stillwater Church. After some time the church members wished to have him formally ordained to the ministry. A conference was scheduled with leaders of other area churches, but upon meeting it was learned that Br. Kelle was still a member of another Church and so could not be ordained at that time. He was later dismissed from Elder Drake’s church and ordained as Elder of the Stillwater church. In 1789, complaints were made against Elder Kelle by several members of the congregation.
There was a lengthy investigation, calling for assistance from leaders of area churches including some congregational churches as well as the Baptist churches. Some of the accusers later recanted their accusations, but others stood and eventually Brother Kelle was disfellowshiped. Instructions were given that any continuing to fellowship Brother Kelle would also be disfellowshipped. Some did continue with him and were later disfellowshiped.
The Two Stillwater Churches Merge
Brother Kelle’s disfellowship left this church without a leader. It was then decided that they would join with another Baptist church in Stillwater, known as the East Baptist Church or Elder Lemuel Power’s church. Apparently this original church of Elder Kelle’s was known to them as the West Baptist Church.
In September 1790 Samuel Rogers, Seth Burgess and Ezekiel Sayles were appointed to rewrite the Articles of Faith. Apparently Seth Burgess was a member of Elder Power’s church and Ezekiel Sayles had been with this Stillwater Church since it’s beginning, serving as clerk much of the time. Samuel Rogers is referred to as Elder and the meeting at which the churches were merged was held at his home.
In merging these two churches there would have been a merging of the Articles of Faith, which was what this committee, with representation of both churches, was appointed to do. We do not have access to Elder Power’s original Articles or the revised version. A meeting was held December 25, 1790, at which time the two churches were officially merged “receiving each other in gospel fellowship and do consider ourselves for the future but one church” and “every member that have formerly belonged to both church that are now in good standing by consideration in this union.” At that time, the revised Articles of Faith were accepted and Ezekiel Sayles was chosen Clerk of the Church with Elder Lemuel Powers continuing as its pastor. The Record Book has a new title page: “United Baptist Church Book in the town of Stillwater United Dec. 25, 1790.”
Lemuel Powers served for some time but eventually had his own scandal and was likewise disfellowshipped. Many of his family members migrated to Sempronius and joined with former members of the Stillwater Church there.
There was a Saratoga Baptist Association, which appears to have been organized around 1805. A list of churches belonging to this Association was included in the Stillwater Church records. Among them were the Bottskill Church which withdrew from the organization in 1830, the Stillwater Church which united with the organization in 1814, and Churches in Kingsbury, Saratoga, Halfmoon, Salem, Galway, Greenfield, Ft. Ann and others. The Stillwater Church records mention many of these churches and their leaders. There appears to have been a close association between the Stillwater Church and the Bottskill Church with mention in records of both of visits from the others ministers and conferences.
The yellow highlights are my doing, indicating names I was familiar with and other things that seemed significant to me at the time. The explanatory information at the end of this post was taken from an appendix of my book The Joseph Eggleston Family: Seven Generations from Joseph (d.1767) of Stonington, Connecticut to Joseph (1885-1965) of Utah and Wyoming (Including Maternal Lines: Hill, Burgess, Titus, Sammis & Johnson)
Church lists and other information from the records will be shared in future posts.